Using Small Goals to Achieve the Big Ones

The New Year has come and aren't we all excited for a new shiny clean slate? New Year, New Goals, New You and all that?
Before you go off to read your self improvement book while exercising with your new membership at the coolest gym in town, might I suggest making some small achievable goals?
These small goals might include something like, yes, diet & exercise but let’s talk about some business website goals.
Sometimes the smallest things escape us, and let's be frank - our own website and marketing materials are sometimes the last things we have time to look at. When did you last visit your website and really LOOK at it? Here are a couple of things to check over and update - and let's keep it simple - I know your refreshing kale smoothie is waiting:
- Check the copyright date on your site and update if needed
- Do you have a captcha, hcaptcha on your website contact form to reduce spam from form submissions?
- Is your site https so your users aren't getting the bad mojo security warning when they visit? Visit 'Why do I need an SSL?' if you need information.
- Have you tested your contact forms lately and know who is getting them?
- Is your website mobile friendly? (see 'What is Responsive or Mobile Friendly Design?' in our FAQs area) In a quick view of analytics in January 2022 for a couple of client websites we found that over 58% of users are visiting websites using their mobile devices (70% on!). If your website isn't mobile friendly we encourage you to put this in your plans for this year.
We will be adding to these goals so check back after you've lost that 20 pounds and have the band back together. Then? Let's talk about dated content ...